How I Use Verizon Fios to Stay Connected #FiosNY

You can pretty much connect with me anywhere. In case you didn’t know, I have Verizon Fios as an internet and cable provider. Based in New York City, I do have a couple of options to choose from, but I choose to be with Verizon Fios. There are a few reasons. Staying connected is important. And while it has become easier over the years, when calling internationally there are still some obstacles. With Fios reliable service I can stay connected via internet and phone without a problem.

Verizon logo - analie cruz 2015 1

How Do I Stay Connected?

I have tons of devices. Ranging from tablets, smartphones, to 2-in-1 computers, I use any of these to video chat with friends and family. Video chatting isn’t always convenient though. So I do spend time on the phone chatting it up. I have tons of family overseas, so catching up takes a while. Having strong wifi is so important to me, to keep these video chats going and images clear. I hate having blurry faces.

Current Offers from Verizon

I have a modest internet connection since I’m not home all of the time. But when I am, all my devices need love and connection. Verizon actually has some decent offers going on right now for great connection both at home and with family overseas, AKA their Triple Play International Offers. With these packages (see below), you get unlimited calling to 11 countries and international tv programming for 12 or 24 months. The 11 countries include: China, Hong Kong , India, Mexico, Dominican Republic, South Korea, Singapore, Portugal, UK, Pakistan, and Canada. The offer is temporary

Learn more about the international offers HERE:  or

Verizon Fios - Triple Play International Offers - Analie Cruz - #fiosny


How do you stay connected with family? Do you prefer video chatting, phone calls, or just through social media? 

Published by Analie Cruz "Gadget Girl"

A lover of technology, Analie is always with multiple gadgets covering the latest tech events. She uses the best out of all the mobile OS's and loves being on social media.

One reply on “How I Use Verizon Fios to Stay Connected #FiosNY”

  1. It’s not just movies. The collection includes trendy TV series and more every month, which means tons of choices for you. With Verizon Fios, movies and more are just a click away.

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