Gadget Girl World – Intro

Hey everybody!  I know it’s been a long time coming and I’ve been procrastinating with this, but this is my official site. Just a quick intro and explanation, from Analie to you. I still write for those awesome tech sites (you can check out TechWeLike and G Style Magazine ), but here I’ll cover things on a more personal / lifestyle level. As many of you already know, I LOVE TECH & GADGETS (that’s how I became the gadget girl) , but there’s a lot more to me than tech. I hope to bring my many interests and expertise on certain subjects to light.

There are so many things that don’t necessarily fall into the tech category, or gadgets / tech that affect me on more than a “review” level. And it seems that having a site is like having a phone number, something that should be done in this day in age.

It will be on a more informal (but respectful of course) level.  I hope you enjoy the tidbits of my Gadget Girl world.